Mossack Fonseca: GAFI saca de lista gris a Panamá

Mossack Fonseca - El Grupo de Acción Financiera (GAFI) autorizó la salida de Panamá de su lista gris, en la que había sido incluida desde junio de 2014. Así lo informó este jueves el ministro de Economía y Finanzas, Dulcidio De La Guardia a través de su cuenta de Twitter.

Una delegación de Panamá, encabezada por De La Guardia, se encuentra en Francia participando en la plenaria del GAFI, que culmina este viernes 19.

El titular del MEF calificó la decisión como un "triunfo" para Panamá, destacando el trabajo conjunto del sector público y privado. "Esto permitió la aprobación y aplicación de una nueva regulación que coloca a Panamá a la vanguardia en materia de la lucha contra el blanqueo de capitales", expresó.

A principios de año, un equipo técnico del GAFI realizó una visita de tres días a Panamá para verificar el "in situ", el cumplimiento de las normas contra el blanqueo de capitales, financiamiento de terrorismo y la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva.

Entre las medidas implementadas por el Gobierno de Panamá se encuentra la creación de la Intendencia de Regulación y Supervisión de Sujetos No Financieros, y la reglamentación de la Ley 23, que adopta medidas para prevenir el blanqueo de capitales.

El Grupo Revisor debía presentar un informe con los resultados durante la plenaria.


Mossack Fonseca & Co.: Practical wisdom and trusted advice

Corporate Governance

The Mossack Fonseca Group applied corporate governance in their firm to provide confidence and security to their clients regarding protecting their assets through the years. The firms don’t stop in improving their processes and utilizing the best technological tools in the market to have a better service for their clients. It has adopted a Business Management System that assures that the firm will continue to follow all ethical standards and the best legal practices.

The firm is eager to ensure the long-term success of its clients as a global corporation with a well-organized corporate government. The corporate governance structure helps to reduce costs, avoid risks and identify problems and strategic opportunities.


The Mossack Fonseca Group is proud to have highly dedicated lawyers. Each of them graduated with honors from different universities in Panama and abroad and has a master's and doctoral degree as well as vast experience in various legal issues.

Exceptional Features

The top feature of Mossack Fonseca Group is its decades of experience in business. In particular, it has 39 years of extensive experience and will continue to deliver excellent service to their clients. The firm's Panama Head Office has 24-hour service; and you can find their office in every continent, which proves their powerful international network. Its staff a member is consists of more than 500 experts around the world and all of them were service and research-oriented professionals. It's also the first ISO 9001 certified law firm in Panama and continues to follow strict due diligence requirements. It acquires "VeriSign" encryption and Central Bank standards for a secure technology platform. They're also motivated specialists seeking solutions for changing business environments. Their client considers their exclusive client portal as a beneficial treat.

Data Security

You can have a peace of mind with the Mossack Fonseca & Co.'s client portal because it is 100% safe. They hold all their servers in-house to provide the most secure and latest protection available to their clients. The firm joined numerous companies and banks who depend on Verisign to keep their clients' information protected because it is considered the strongest encryption available with the most rigorous authentication standards in the world.

Along with those discussed above, the Mossack Fonseca Group will continue to provide top-notching services. You can visit their official website to have a better understanding of their firm.